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Join us in "Saving Evidential Mediumship" with world-renowned mediums Kerry McLeod and Philip Dykes.
Welcome to the official donation page for 'Evidence of the Afterlife', a film by We Don't Die Films.  Your contribution will help us spread the truth about evidential mediumship as we follow husband & wife, Kerry and Phil around the world as they teach, demonstrate their mediumship and explore spirituality. 

“A Medium’s work should be focused on blending in the essence of the communicator. This way, the Medium tells the story of the life of the communicator, through accurate emotional and objective evidence, where the personality and character is expressed in a true and recognizable manner. This shows the intelligence of the communicator and the willingness of an unseen world to share their existence with you. The communicator is a real person with real lives and real family members, let’s not reduce our loved ones to purely information. A Medium utilizes their own true potential with purpose, compassion, integrity and love. A Medium has no script, only the true sense of another soul wishing to reach out and communicate with you”.

-Philip Dykes & Kerry McLeod

  Film overview:

“Evidence of the Afterlife” is a film about the practice of evidential mediumship through the lives and experiences of world-renowned mediums Philip Dykes and Kerry McLeod. Evidential mediumship is a form of mediumship that gives proof that we survive physical death and our souls continue on in the afterlife or the “Spirit World”.  An evidential medium will communicate with the deceased in a reading with a recipient with incredible detail that only the recipient would understand. The recipient is instructed to only answer “yes or no” to the questions or statements that the medium gives during the reading. It becomes obvious to the recipient that the information is absolutely coming from their loved ones in this manner because the details are so personal and unique that there would be no possible way the medium could be researching the information beforehand.

Why We Need Your Support:

We Don't Die Films operates on donations from the viewers of our films and web content. As an independent film company, we do not have the support of a "Hollywood budget" or the luxury of a large production staff. It is through your generosity that enough funds will be available to account for equipment purchases, travel, and production expenses.

"Evidence of the Afterlife," is unique because it focuses on evidential mediumship, which sets it apart from other programs and films about mediumship. We would like to showcase a different side of mediumship - one that provides specific and verifiable information that only the deceased and their loved ones would know. This provides undeniable proof of communication from the other side. For this film, we are granted extraordinary access to husband and wife mediums, Phil Dykes and Kerry McLeod who travel the world sharing their gifts. They trust our expertise in film production and give us unprecedented access to their personal and professional lives. This level of access allows us to provide the viewer with an intimate look into the world of evidential mediumship and the individuals who practice it. Moreover, this documentary has the potential to bring comfort to people who are grieving the loss of loved ones. The idea of an afterlife can be a source of solace for those who fear death and dying, and our film can provide them with evidence that there is something beyond this life. 



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Depends on a few factors like if you received a reward in exchange for the donation and the value of your donation above that rewards cost, etc. You may contact the nonprofit you donated to directly to receive information on whether or not your donation is tax deductible. Nonetheless, the emailed receipts you will receive for your donation is the documentation you need to make it tax deductible.

Allyra FAQ
Is my donation and credit card info secure?
Yes, the security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We will not sell, trade or share your personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations, and we will only share personal information if you have given us specific permission to do so.

How do I know that my donation was made successfully?
You will receive an emailed receipt immediately after your donation is submitted and your credit card is processed. Your donation will also show up on your bank or card statement within 1-3 business days.

Do I get a receipt?
Yes, a receipt is sent to your email inbox once your donation is processed. Please be sure to keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes. If you select a recurring donation, you will be sent an individual receipt each period when your donation is processed.

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We will not share or sell a donor's personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.